Who are we for?
You’ll come to us if you’re experiencing common mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression.
Your initial appointment will be on the phone with one of our Coordinators, who will discuss your presenting problems. You and the coordinator will then agree on the best therapy options for you.
This includes our partnership services: Trafford Psychological Wellbeing Service, Blue Sci, South Manchester counselling service, Family and Relationship centre and more.
Who are we for?
NHS Trafford Talking Therapies is for anyone whose GP surgery is based in Trafford. We are able to offer support to people aged 16 and over.
Therapies we offer:
Online Therapy
With online therapy, you can gain access to a range of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy programmes that can help you work on anxiety, low mood and stress.
We can also work on mild to moderate symptoms of social anxiety, health anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and issues related to body image.
You will be supported throughout the programme by one of our coordinators who will provide support and guidance over the phone and tailor the online therapy to meet your needs.
Suitability for our online programs with be discussed in your initial appointment.
Structured workshops
We offer a structured workshop once a quarter, four times a year.
Boost explores tools and techniques to support resilience, self-esteem, self-awareness, assertiveness and motivation.
We run the course for four consecutive weeks and rotate between an online video group and groups in venues across Trafford.
You are offered the choice to join the waiting list for the upcoming workshop dates during your first initial contact with a coordinator alongside other types of therapy.
One-off Workshops
We offer one-off workshops that can explore CBT-based techniques in relation to:
- Managing stress
- Managing sleep
- Mindfulness
We offer these workshops to organisations for staff or service users.
If you are a Trafford-based organisation or business and want to book a one-off workshop, please email us at traffordtalkingtherapies@thebiglifegroup.com
We also have quarterly one off workshops for the community exploring management of stress, sleep and introduction to mindfulness that we run via video call.
Please look out for these community workshops being shared on our social media channels.