Thrive Together

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Zion Centre and Kath Locke Centre logo

Is your long-term condition putting out your spark?

Keep it alive at the Thrive Together drop-in.

  • Chance to chat and connect with peers
  • Discover new ways to cope
  • Fun wellbeing activities and helpful advice
  • Special guest speakers and support
  • Enjoy healthy snacks
  • Monthly blood pressure checks

It’s free and open to anyone with long-term conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and Long Covid.

Not sure if that’s you? Just ask.


Drop-in group



Opening times:

Tuesdays, 2.30-4.30pm



Access this service


Zion Centre
339 Stretford Road
Hulme, Manchester
M15 4ZY

Service delivered by:

Zion Centre and Kath Locke Centre logo

You can come along to a Thrive Together Drop in on any Tuesday to share experiences, get support and talk about how you feel.

From time to time, guest experts will be invited along to give you the latest ideas for managing a long term condition.