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Research requests
Research requests
Job title
Name of research project lead (if different to above)
Email of research project lead (if different to above)
Research project title
Description of research request
Has your project received ethical approval?
If you answered 'no' or 'N/A' above, please provide further information
What do you perceive to be Big Life's role in the research?
Does your project require any resources from Big Life?
This could include money, staff time, use of our logo or marketing materials.
Will this research require participants? If so, do you have ethical approval to do so?
How will the research benefit Big Life?
Which of Big Life's objectives will your research contribute towards? (select as many as apply)
Develop place based plans, and develop partnerships and integrated working.
Have structures, systems and processes that enable services to work together.
Deliver a workforce strategy, with diverse, trained and happy staff.
Have multi-modal practitioners in every service.
Develop tools for people to have control of their own stories and data.
Have services shaped by service users.
Ensure that all our services are informed by research and evaluation.
Grow and diversify our offer.
Increase feedback to continually improve the quality of what we do.
Invest in our assets, maximising the efficiency and quality of our data.
Reduce our carbon footprint and introduce agile working.
Have a legal structure that works for us & the people we work for.
Increase opportunities for people to engage with us through technology.
Have volunteer opportunities in every service.
Work with more people to support them in all areas of their life.
How do you plan on publishing your research findings/outputs
Printed journal
Academic publication (dissertation, thesis, PhD study and so on)
Informing policy and/or procedure
Other (please state)
Journal name
Publishing website name
Other: details
You ticked 'other' in your intended research publishing. Please give us some more detail
Would you be able to offer any of the following (in the event that we are able to support your research request)?
Present your research at a Big Life 'Research & Evaluation in practice' event
Submit a tailored blog on your research for use by Big Life
Prepare a lay summary for Big Life
Other (please specify)
Other: details
How did you hear about Big Life?
Previously worked for Big Life
Previous research collaboration
Aware of previous Big Life research
Aware of Big Life's wider work
Online search
Other: details
You selected 'other' for the previous question. Please give some detail.