Learn Well

Learn Well offer free courses from mindfulness to parenting skills, online and in the community

Our free courses are open to anyone who wants to learn and improve their wellbeing.

We also offer face-to-face training, please contact us for more information about what we offer.

You can see a video guide on how to register for a Learn Well account here:

Our latest courses include…

My Mental Health and Wellbeing Garden

We are all aware of the importance of looking after our health. You don’t need a diagnosis to be affected by things such as stress, low mood and anxiety. It’s important we all get a good balance in our lives at home, in general and at work.

This tool was created through the evidence and findings arising from the lived experience of people with Mental Health Conditions at work. It was funded by The ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) and is a collaborative project between Lancaster University and The Big life group.

In this training you can access tools and information and read or listen to the real life experiences of people covering subjects such as; talking about mental health, stigma, wellbeing in general, remote and digital working.  You can access as much or as little of the course as you would like.

This course provides:

  • A safe space for you to broaden your understanding and support good mental wellbeing at work.
  • A space to help you build a tool kit of resources that are practical and useful to aid in the management of your own Mental Health.
  • A place where you can hear about the lived experiences of others and gain insight into what helps them to stay well.
  • Somewhere where you can create your own personalised wellbeing plan or path with tools that you can follow at your own pace.

Click here to enrol on My Mental Health and Wellbeing Garden course.

Domestic Violence and Abuse

Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone and it is more common than you might think. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience domestic abuse as some point in their lives.

In this e-learning we will talk about different forms of domestic abuse. This could be physical, emotional, financial, or sexual abuse. How can you get help if you are being hurt, if someone you know is being hurt or if you are hurting others? We will look at more than just the statistics – we look at the people behind the numbers – people like you and me and their story. You will always be able to skip the personal stories if you are worried that they might trigger or upset you.

If you’re worried someone might see you have visited this page, the Women’s Aid website tells you how to cover your tracks online – click here to visit their site. Remember, you can always un-enrol from this training yourself without leaving any evidence of you completing the training.

In this training we will cover:

  • What are domestic violence and domestic abuse?
  • Types, impact and indicators of domestic abuse
  • What can you do if you are in an abusive relationship?
  • What can you do to support someone in an abusive relationship?
  • What can you do if I am an abuser?
  • How to stay safe in future relationships (Clare’s Law)

Click here to enrol on the Domestic Violence and Abuse course.

Mindfulness Taster

Everyone talks about ‘mindfulness’ – but what exactly is it? This taster session is for everyone who wants to gain some basic knowledge around mindfulness.

We will look at what mindfulness is, what the benefits of mindfulness are and you will have the opportunity to try some mindfulness techniques so you can decide for yourself if this is something you want to explore further.

In this session we will cover:

  • what is mindfulness
  • benefits of mindfulness
  • practising mindfulness (meditation)

Click here to enrol on the Mindfulness Taster course.

Safeguarding for adults and children

Big Life believes that it is always unacceptable for a child, young person or adult at risk to experience abuse of any kind, and we all have a responsibility to safeguarding the welfare of all adults, children and young people.

In this training we will cover…

  • what “safeguarding“ means
  • the four main types of abuse
  • other types of abuse
  • signs and indicators of different forms of abuse
  • what you would do if you suspect abuse.

Click here to enrol on the Safeguarding for adults and children course.

Sleep well

Sleep – we all do it, but nearly half of us don’t do it well. Without it we’re not much good at doing anything else. Unfortunately it’s not that easy to get more sleep, most of us would love to but don’t know how to!

In this training we will cover…

  • what sleep is.
  • why we need sleep.
  • how much sleep we need.
  • what happens during sleep.
  • sleep problems.
  • what impact a lack of sleep can have on your life.
  • suggestions for sleep improvements.

Click here to enrol on the Sleep well course.

Eat well for food and mood

The government has set objectives to improve the nation’s diet and health. In this course we will talk about what a healthy diet is and how our diet not only affects our physical wellbeing but also our mood.

In this course we will cover….

  • healthy eating
  • a balanced diet
  • risks of unhealthy eating
  • effects of food on mood

Click here to enrol on the Eat well for food and mood course.

Saving money and improving health

Is all of your money gone although it is only the middle of the month? Do you ask yourself “where has it all gone?” This training could be for you. It is about small lifestyle changes can make a big difference. We will cover methods how to plan your budget and how taking care of your money will have a positive impact on your health in the long run.

In this course we will cover…

  • the term health inequalities
  • how income can affect your health
  • examples on how to save money
  • the importance of budgeting.

Click here to enrol on the Saving money and improving health course.

Exercise and mood

Exercise doesn’t have to be painful or come in large doses to be beneficial for your mental health. Small amounts of exercise daily have been shown to be useful in alleviating anxiety and depression. Even as little as 10 minutes of low intensity walking helps.

When doing this e-learning you can learn about exercise and join in for a warm up, a short exercise session of your choice and cool down. At the end of this course you will be able to design your own exercise plan to improve your physical as well as mental health.

In this course we will cover…

  • the benefits of exercise
  • how to choose the right type of exercise
  • the structure of an effective exercise programme
  • demonstration of individual exercise: warm up, activity, cool down.

Click here to enrol on the Exercise and mood course.

Equality and Diversity

This training aims to give you a good understanding of equality and diversity. The training underpins the importance of equality and diversity and explores the Equality Act 2010.

After this training you can…

explain the terms:

  • explain the terms Diversity, Equality and Discrimination
  • identify different types of discrimination
  • explain what the Equality Act 2010 is and where it comes from
  • name the nine protected characteristics.

Click here to enrol on the Equality and Diversity course.

Oral Health Advice

36% of the 5 year old children in Greater Manchester have tooth decay. In this training we will talk about why it is important to do something about this number. We will discuss why oral health is important and how we can keep track of our and our family’s sugar intake.

In this course we will cover…

  • the definition of “oral health”.
  • the importance of teeth.
  • causes and prevention of tooth decay.
  • the amounts of sugar in different foods.
  • different names for sugar.
  • brushing teeth.
  • how to get a dentist.

Click here to enrol on the Oral Health Advice course.

Your child and school

This course is about what how you can prepare your child for starting school. We will cover useful tips and introduce games you could play to make them familiar with numbers and letters. We will also cover you can support your child’s learning once they are settled in school and how good routines are important for your child’s health and wellbeing.

In this course we will cover…

  • What schools expect and how to support your child before starting.
  • How to support your child’s learning in school.

Click here to enrol on the Your child and school course.

CV writing

Stand out from the crowd! It’s your first chance to impress a prospective employer.

This course will help you to draft the perfect CV, ensuring you make the most out of the opportunity to showcase your skills and experience.

Writing an effective application form, covering letter or CV is essential to get to interview. This course will give you tips and tools to write a strong application form, covering letter and clear, effective CV.

After this course you can…

  • define the requirements of an effective CV
  • explain the basic information required on a CV
  • describe the different types of CVs
  • list what makes a good cover letter.

Click here to enrol on the CV writing course.

Interview techniques

You got to interview, well done! But what now?

This training will help prepare you for your interview, covering interview techniques, dos and don’ts and lots of tips and ideas to help you give your best interview yet and improve your chances of getting the job.

After this course you can…

  • describe the different types of interview
  • explain the pros and cons of these different types
  • memorise the four stages of interview
  • explain how to prepare for an interview
  • describe the ‘’do’s and don’ts”
  • give examples for interview questions.

Click here to enrol on the Interview techniques course.